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Katie Wojciechowski | Writing Projects
After 5pm and on weekends, I'm writing about pop culture and feelings. Take a gander.

Paramore For Dummies - Substack newsletter

Album Review: This Is Why - Swim Into The Sound

Can You Still Feel the Pull?: A Decade of Now, Now - Audiofemme

Only Noise: A Case of SXSW - Audiofemme
Another personal essay for Audiofemme's Only Noise column. It's about The Chicks, pre-name-change.
The Hairpin
I compared a bunch of songs' original versions to their respective covers performed by one of my favorite artists, Aretha Franklin.
Yes Plz Coffee's Zine
Despite this being one of my favorite pieces I've written, this piece unfortunately lives on paper only. Hopefully someday you'll be able to read it online! For now, the link takes you to a page where my name is mentioned so you can at least see I'm telling the truth.
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